Need Help?
If you are interested in coming to Another Chance House, please complete the initial application below AND call our waiting list: 806.372.3344.
It’s important to call the waiting list every day to hold your place.
Veterans are encouraged to contact the Amarillo Veterans Administration’s Housing First Department to explore the option of a placement at Another Chance House: 806.355.9703, ext. 7291
Our main objective is to provide access to tools that residents can take advantage of
To Begin Rebuilding Their Lives
Our residents are men over the age of 18 who are ready for Another Chance to become self-sufficent.
These tools include recovery programs, life skills training, workforce development, access to mental and physical health providers, case management and referrals to treatment programs. Our residents are expected to meet minimum requirements while living at Another Chance House:
- Be abstinent from alcohol and or illegal drugs for 72 hours before entering ACH
- May not be a registered sex offender or have pending legal charges that may result in having to register as a sex offender
- Remain abstinent from alcohol and or illegal drugs while residing at ACH
- Attend required counseling and/or recovery meetings as outlined in individual progress plan.
- Involvement in ACH Community Events (outings, open houses, etc.)
- Engage in volunteer activities and job searches (number of hours and applications based upon employment; exceptions made due to disability / level of income / individual goals)
- Weekly meeting with case manager
- Demonstrate steady progression toward goals set out in progression plan
- Obtain / sustain income to meet minimum requirements for rent in corresponding tier of care. (Gross income equal to three times the rate of rent.)
Progression plans take a resident through the three program tiers offered by Another Chance House:
- Initial entry into Shelter Program or VA Program
- Shelter Program to Shelter Private Room or VA Program House
- Shelter Private Room to Transitional Living or VA Program to Victory Duplex
A resident’s progression is not bound by time unless they enter ACH through the VA Program which is limited to 6 months per our contracted agreement. Veterans are then able to apply to continue living at ACH once VA Program is completed, if they meet criteria for Long-term Living.
Change is difficult, and we are sensitive to how moving from one program to the next may throw a resident off track. For this reason, we increase case management and counseling as needed prior to the move. ACH provides a place for residents to try out their newly acquired tools and coping skills while enjoying the safety net that our unique community provides.
Our successful residents take full advantage of the programs that are offered at ACH:
- Recovery from addiction (outpatient treatment programs and 12-step program meetings).
- Mental health recovery referrals to Texas Panhandle Centers, Family Support Services and internal case management.
- Progression plan creation and monitoring by ACH case managers.
- Weekly staffing meetings to address individual progress, challenges, and victories.
- Peer recovery (in process). Nine staff members completed initial training for state certification program. Monitored by staff LCDC.
- Workforce Development includes employment readiness assessment; temporary employment by ACH; access to GED program; job readiness training with Christian Men’s Job Corps; internal or external job training; tools, equipment, clothing, safety gear provided by ACH when necessary
Another Chance House
Additional Resources
Our residents are men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and are ready for Another Chance to become self-sufficient.