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Each of us deal with the consequences of our actions; often we see those consequences bleed over to our family. For Brandon, being picked up on a warrant while in rehab meant more time away from his two young sons. The children felt confused and Brandon knew he had to do something to make it up to them. He needed a way to rebuild their lives together.

Brandon had a pile of concerns and a load of guilt when he walked through the doors of the ACH Main House shelter after months on the waiting list. He was off his medication and fighting to maintain his sobriety. Without the case management you provide, Brandon might easily have slipped back into his old ways.

“The first thing my case manager did was take me to the doctor so I could get back on my meds. That was a big first step. I needed this program to hold me accountable. Without it I would be back on the streets. The people who give to Another Chance House helped me back on my feet. They’ve helped me get my life straightened out.”

The stay-at-home order due to COVID-19 was particularly hard on Brandon. His visitation with his boys transitioned to Zoom meetings. The boys just wanted their dad. This challenge only strengthened Brandon’s resolve to keep moving forward.

One by one, Brandon worked through his goals with his ACH case manager. He paid his debts to society and became more confident in his sobriety. He attended 12-step meetings, did his daily and weekly chores faithfully, and felt supported by his ACH peers. Mr. L, an ACH resident became very important to Brandon, “Doing side jobs with Mr. L helped me so much. He was a great source of encouragement and he helped me get my sense of humor back.”

When Brandon found employment at Polk Street Eats as a line cook his confidence began to soar. The day he was promoted to Head Chef he was overjoyed. This move meant the goal of living independently and being reunited with his family was closer to reality.

In August of 2020, Brandon’s dream of having sole custody of his children came true. His plan to provide a home for them with the help of his mother was finally realized. “I’m so happy to have my kids back. They won’t have to say goodbye to me anymore.”

Today, Brandon is working hard, loving and parenting his children, and living humbly and full of gratitude for the chance you’ve offered him at another life.

“My relationships are so much healthier. I’ll continue to work my program and follow up with my case manager. I’m on to better people, places, and things. Another Chance House is a wonderful place. I wouldn’t be on the path I am today, and my boys wouldn’t have their father back, if it weren’t for the people who give to ACH. I’m so, so thankful.”