Your gift today will offer a better tomorrow to men overcoming homelessness.

Help a Man Today
Your gift today will offer a better tomorrow to men overcoming homelessness.

Offering Hope is YOUR Super Power!
Be an Agent of Change for men overcoming homelessness

Support our Veteran Program
Support homeless veterans with a gift that honors their service and aids their stabililty.
The power to give
Ways you can help others, one man at a time
Panhandle Gives
The Panhandle Gives is an annual event hosted and coordinated by the Amarillo Area Foundation(AAF) to raise funds for local nonprofits.
Beginning November 21 – November 29, 2022, 100% of donations made using our link below or checks delivered to a participating bank (Amarillo National Bank, Happy State Bank, FirstBank Southwest) in our name will go directly to our mission of providing a positive path to a self-sufficient life for men who are homeless or at risk.
Honor Your Veteran
Gifts made to Another Chance House in honor or memory of a Veteran are incredibly special. These gifts are listed in our Annual Newsletter and a notification of your gift will be sent at your direction.
Share Your Time
Our volunteers are the best! There are many ways to share your time and skills with our residents: Prepare a meal, Provide transportation to meetings and appointments, Lead a life-skills class on Saturday morning, Host an outing: movie day, horseback riding, fishing, etc.
Leave a Legacy
Consider remembering Another Chance House in your estate plan. We are happy to provide information at your request to your estate planner.
In-Kind Donation List
Our residents often arrive with only the clothing on their backs. We are grateful for in-kind donations, including:
Visit Amazon for a complete list of supplies to donate.
We also accept:
Cleaning Supplies
Twin Sheets (new, white)
Facebook Fundraiser
Celebrate your birthday on social media with a fundraiser to benefit the men at Another Chance House. It’s simple to create, and 100% of the proceeds support the men at ACH. @AnotherChanceHouseAmarillo