Nathan’s Journey to Another Chance When Nathan first came to Another Chance House, he wasn’t quite ready to rebuild his life. Like many struggling with addiction, he carried a heavy burden of shame and left the program in the middle of the night, unable to face...
“I hated being me.” Before coming to Another Chance House, Shorty wished himself dead. Trauma and grief made escape through drugs his way of life. Living on the streets, he worked to earn money for his next fix, hoping he simply wouldn’t wake up....
Brian (left) and Robert (right) live in an Another Chance House Transitional Home. The men share how this program helps them continue their progress and dream about their future: “Moving from the Main House to Transition is like taking off the training wheels. We...
“The programs at Another Chance House allowed me time and a safe place to clear up the wreckage of from my past. I was offered priceless opportunities to focus on rebuilding and improving my life,” says former Another Chance House resident Tracy. His roommate, Tim,...
Before coming to Another Chance House, Robert’s life nearly ended, literally. “I experienced the deepest darkness; I know God saved me that night. There’s no other explanation for my being alive. I was alone and isolated. I had overdosed. The cop who saved me was...
***Update*** Michael was awarded the Victorious Heart Award by the Amarillo’s Community Campaign for the Homeless in 2021. During his interview he mentioned many area agencies who helped him in his journey to self-sufficiency as well as his advisor at Wayland...